Welcoming our New Members and Learning about Internships!

On September 18th, we hosted our first meeting with our new members! We welcomed 129 new members, and we are so excited to get this year started with them. After helping our members get up to date with current organization information, we had an internship workshop to help all of our members prepare to apply for internships this coming year. Guest Speaker, Director of Career Services, Weston Dickens shared advice on how to make your internship application stand and how to maximize effective networking during the internship search. We also held an internship panel with some of our very own members that have had internships in the past, Lauren Munnell, Abbey Nedblack, Mills Morgan Ratliff, and Ava Cox. They shared their experiences at their respective internships and companies as well as advice for other members who are looking to pursue similar internships from the application and interview process to the daily expectations these positions might have. Our next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:00pm.


Announcing Building Brands with Women in Business featuring Pookie and Jett on October 24th at 6:00 PM


New Member Interest Meeting